Sunday, January 9, 2011

Heebeegeebee's Part 2

There is not a whole lot that surprises me nowadays raising a house full of kids. We have seen our fair share of ailments over the last 17 years. Head lice (Haircut Surprise), pinworms, ringworm, hand foot & mouth disease, scabies, chiggars, you name it. I was always the one applying ointment, administering meds, picking through hair.  But today the tables were turned.
This morning as I prepared for my day, I was met with a surprise of my own. After fixing my hair, applying my makeup, selecting jewelry, I glanced down at my hair brush. What did I see? Yep, you guessed right again. A tiny little bug surrying around in my brush!
I screamed at the top of my lungs "ERIC!!!! GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!!!!!!!!!" I think he thought something horrible had happened. "LOOK! LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND IN MY BRUSH!!!"
He was as horrified as I was.
We rushed outside to get better light. He starts picking through my hair and sure enough he finds a couple of bugs and several eggs! Then I remember that last night as I was trying to sleep the base of my scalp was itching. I dismissed it thinking it was the dry weather.
I spent most of my day in the bathroom with my daughter. She and I carefully going through eachothers hair like a couple of gorillas at the zoo. We treated her hair just in case.
Even though all of my household pillows and linens are still in quarentine, the new pillows I bought for our special occassion last week are now in quarentine also. Still haven't decided what to do with my mattress. If I had my way it would be burned but I don't think my husband will let me do that.
Another day in the life of raising boys... Cheers!